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Sunday, March 22, 2009

Ah, savurez ziua asta de duminica. M-as dedubla, daca se poate, si as trimite-o pe una din Raluxe la plimbare in parc, in timp ce as aseza-o pe cealalta confortabil in fotoliu, citind P.S. I love you in engleza, o carte care te invaluie in povestea ei ca o plapuma de puf si care te obliga sa-i preiei si sa-i consumi atat durerea cat si bucuria.
Ca toata lumea din blogosfera si din afara ei, tanjesc sa vina primavara. Acum si mai mult, dupa ce am gasit in carte un pasaj care mi-a facut pofta:
There was no hiding indoors as soon as it got dark, no lie-ins until the afternoon. It seemed as though the whole of Ireland had come out of hibernation, taken a big stretch and a yawn, and suddenly started living again. It was time to open all the windows and air the house, to free it of the ghosts of the winter and dark days, to get up early with the songbirds and go for a walk and look people in the eye and smile and say hello instead of hiding under layers of clothes with eyes to the ground while running from destination to destination, ignoring the world. It was time to stop hiding in the dark and hold your head up high and come face to face with the truth.
N-am vazut filmul, dar citesc cu sufletul la gura povestea unei reveniri dupa cea mai mare pierdere, cuibarita pe balcon, cochetand cu lumina solara, oferita ca anticipatie a caldurii ce sta sa vina.
Buna duminica, soare!


Vilhelm man March 22, 2009 at 10:41 AM  

Iti doresc o primavara frumoasa!

Anonymous March 22, 2009 at 10:42 AM  

@valy: multumesc, la fel!:)

daninho March 22, 2009 at 2:20 PM  

eu nu vreau sa vina primavara, eu vreau sa vina direct vara b-)

Anonymous March 22, 2009 at 5:36 PM  

fenk iu, pliz cam ãghen

Anonymous March 22, 2009 at 6:18 PM  

@daninho: deocamdata primavara ne datoreaza ceva...
@nek: deci acum soarele are si un nume?

Anonymous March 22, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

Sa te prind ca nu pui poze pe blog cu toate anotimpurile...

Anonymous March 23, 2009 at 12:36 AM  

Generale, am inteles aluzia. Voi fi consecventa. Si pentru inceput m-am conformat cu primavara :)

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